
VIN Valuation: PTML Customs Sensitises Stakeholders, Harps on Transparency

The CAC said the trim of vehicles are not same for all kinds while urging declarants to have their transaction values.

The Ports Terminal Multiservices Limited (PTML) Command of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has once urged importers of vehicles and their agents to imbibe transparency while making declarations for their imported vehicles

The Customs Area Controller (CAC), Comptroller Saidu Abba Yusuf, stated this at a stakeholders sensitisation meeting held on Wednesday to dispel the rumour that the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) valuation method has been cancelled.

This is according to a statement made available to journalists by the Commandโ€™s Public Relations Officer, CSC Yakubu Muhammad.

Compt. Yusuf reiterated an earlier position on the matter issued by the NCS headquarters that the VIN Valuation Process remains fully operational and effective.

Stakeholders at the meeting
Stakeholders at the meeting

He added that the trim numbers are critical in identifying distinct versions or tiers within a specific car model, and they delineate varying configurations, features, and levels of equipment associated different models.

The CAC said the trim of vehicles are not same for all kinds while urging declarants to have their transaction values.

He blamed some declarants for not being transparent because they go inputting what they think is the lowest base value which necessitates interventions like demand notice and alerts.

He further advised them to apply invoice and transaction values as a way of promoting transparency and building integrity in the trade process of vehicle clearance.

Comptroller Yusuf said Section 24 Nigeria Customs Service Act (NCSA) 2023 provides for advance ruling for stakehokders to submit to the NCS before a transaction and the ruling will be binding on the service and the importer or agent.

This, according to the Controller is a unique trade facilitation method provided for by the new law

The CAC who described the meeting as being in line with the law also said customs stakeholders partnership is a provision of section 29 NCSA 2023.

According to him, meetings like this is meant to rub minds, identify challenges and jointly work out solutions on how best to resolve the challenges. He added that the meeting is also in tandem with WCO and WTO trade facilitation thrusts which encourage consultations.

He reminded the stakeholders that the use of code 846 for clearing of non standard VIN has been further modified to reduce human contact through what he called e-846. This saves time and makes trade easier.

โ€œI must commend the system because the reduction of human contact is very effective and beneficial to all as it saves time. I personally monitor electronically from my office and can confirm that my officers are implementing it diligently.

โ€œWhere ever you are experiencing delay in the process under my command, please draw my attention to it. My doors are open and will be more open to all of you. The help desk headed by the Commandโ€™s Public Relations Officer is active and responding to all inquiries online and in real timeโ€ Comptroller Yusuf added.

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