
Advertising Expert Ufot Charges NIJ Students to Maximise Areas of Natural Talent

The Group Managing Director (GMD) of SO&U advertising firm, Mr. Udeme Ufot has charged the students of the Nigerian Institute of Journalism (NIJ) to maximise their areas of natural talent.

Mr. Ufot, who happens to be the ‘Udeme’ in the popular Guinness advert line “My friend Udeme is a great man” gave the charge during a professional forum tagged “Making a Career in Advertising” that was held in the school hall on Wednesday.

The advertising expert disclosed that the firm ‘SO&U’ was coined from ‘Sajay, Oko and Ufot’ – and recounted his life experiences revealing that he wanted to become a professor just for the sake of it.

He emphasised the significance of vision in choosing a career path, stressing that the most perishable commodity in life is time. Consequently, he explained that school is the right place for students to kick-start their career paths.

Lecturers, management, students of NIJ and Mr. Udeme Ufot in group photo after the programme (Photo Credit: TheLensNG)

“No time lost can be recovered and do not be tempted to deceive yourself that you have time. There is no time, anything you can do now and do well, better do it. Every minute you lose cannot be recovered.

“I picked up a marketing textbook in the library while I was in the university and went through the advertising section, I captured the imagination of being an art director and that was it and I believe that most of you are here in order to become a successful and accomplished journalist,” he said.

The GMD stated that one can only be the best at what he or she has natural talent for, adding that an individual can only be at the optimum level when he/she enjoys what he is doing.

His words: “I have been working in advertising agency since I was 23 and I am still not bored. I am still enjoying what I do. My choice of career is fulfilling.”

He advised the students to make themselves available for opportunities irrespective of the financial reward.

Students present at the programme (Photo Credit: TheLensNG)

He also encouraged them to make the most of the opportunities given to them in the course of their search for the best of jobs.

“Wherever you find yourself, please do not forget yourself. Sometimes, restlessness is one thing that will ensure you are doing the right thing and that you are on the right path. Sometimes, your comfort will be your worst enemy.”

According to him, advertising is a sophisticated marketing and sophisticated marketing can only take place in e-commerce environment.

He revealed that he got a job in an advertising agency in Calabar (DESMAK) a day after his National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program – and reiterated the need for professionals to always ask themselves if they are making progress in their careers.

“After sometime I said to my parents that I was going to move, so I came to Lagos and walked the streets looking for an opportunity in a proper advertising agency where the profession is practised at the highest level.

“I discovered INSIGHT in Lagos and they gave me an opportunity. My salary was 630 naira when I was working in Calabar and I was paid 650 at INSIGHT. In life sometimes, you must stoop to conquer. I assumed that I was never good enough so that I can become better at what I do.

“Life is about risk, I came into Lagos without having where to live. I slept on the floor for the first two weeks in my friend’s house upon arriving Lagos. Once the idea is powerful enough, money will follow,” he narrated.

According to him, Guarantee Trust Bank (GTB) was the first client of SO&U advertising firm upon its establishment.

Ufot noted that he delved into advertising owing to three (3) major reasons; “I wanted to start a career so that I will be famous, fortune (I wanted to be rich) and I wanted to have fun.”

He further stated that whatever needs to be achieved should propel an individual’s decision making.

“Choose people in terms of their capabilities and not in terms of their relationship.”

While thanking the advertising mogul for obliging to impact the students with knowledge from his wealth of experience in the advertising industry, the Provost of NIJ, Mr. Gbenga Adefaye presented him with an award.

(Photo Credit: TheLensNG)

Mr. Adefaye affirmed that he could not look beyond Mr. Ufot based on his pedigree and technical know-how of the profession.

On his part, the Deputy Provost of the monotechnic, Dr. Adeboye Ola lauded Mr. Ufot for the insight – and assured the students that it will be a regular programme like it used to be.

“In fact, another programme will hold next month,” the former Head of Department (HOD), Mass Communication said.

Dr. Ola recapped the nuggets highlighted by the expert – and revealed that his dream was to work in the media department of SO&U while he was at Concord.

Dignitaries present at the programme include the immediate past Deputy Provost of NIJ, Dr. Dele Omojuyigbe; Registrar of NIJ, Mrs. Patricia Kalesanwo; HOD of General Studies (GNS), Mrs. Popoola Maureen; Lecturers; Mr. Tolulope Ojemuyiwa, who doubles as the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the school.

Others are Mr. Anthony Oligbo, Mrs. Umoren, Mrs. Bisi Bamishe, Mr. Amaso Jack (the host) and the students of the prestigious institution.


Hope Ejairu

Hope Ejairu is a writer, sports analyst and journalist, with publications on print and digital media. He holds certifications in various media/journalism trainings, including AFP.

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